Kalakairali Office Bearers

The 26th Annual general body meeting of Kalakairali held at Kalakairali Office on 23rd June 2024 and
elected following Office Bearers for the year of 2024-25

Mr. Bobby Mathew

Mr. Bobby Mathew President

Mr. Suresh Kumar P R

Mr. Suresh Kumar P R Secratary

Mr. C K Vani

Mr. C K Vani Treasurer

Dr. Shanti Vinod

Mrs. Shanti Vinod Vice president

Mr. Sanjay Gopalakrishnan

Mr. Sanjay Gopalakrishnan Joint Secretary

Mr. Haridasan V

Mr. HariDasan V Executive Member

Dr. Prasanna Kumar J P

Dr. Prasanna Kumar J P Executive Member

Mr. Presanth

Mr. Presanth Executive Member

Mr. Pavanan

Mr. Pavanan Executive Member

Mrs. Subitha K S

Mrs. Subitha K S Executive Member

Mrs. Sidharth S

Mrs. Sidharth S Executive Members